Paranoid Personality Disorder

Definition of Paranoid Personality Disorder

Paranoid personality disorder is one of the group A personality disorders. The characteristic paranoia experienced triggers distrust and high suspicion of others. This disorder generally appears in childhood or adolescence and is more common in men than women.

Causes of Paranoid Personality Disorder

The main cause of paranoid personality disorder is not known with certainty. However, genetic factors have an important role in the emergence of this personality disorder. For example, because there is one family member who suffers from schizophrenia.

In addition, unpleasant childhood experiences can also be the cause of the emergence of paranoid personality disorder. Examples include families who educate their children with threats, abusive parental behavior, and parents who like to humiliate their children.

Risk Factors for Paranoid Personality Disorder

There are several risk factors that trigger paranoid personality disorder. Here are some of them:

– Gender. Men are more at … Read the rest

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Mental health

Understanding Mental Health

Mental health is affected by events in life that leave a great impact on a person’s personality and behavior. These events can take the form of domestic violence, child abuse, or severe long-term stress.

If mental health is disturbed, then mental disorders or mental illness arise. Mental disorders can change the way a person handles stress, relates to others, makes choices, and triggers the desire to hurt oneself.

Some of the most common types of mental disorders include depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and psychosis. Some mental illnesses only occur in certain types of sufferers, such as postpartum depression that only affects mothers after giving birth.

Mental Health Symptoms

Mental disorders or mental illness can start with some of the following symptoms, including:
– Shout or fight with family and friends.
– Delusions, paranoia, or hallucinations.
– Loss of ability … Read the rest

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Crying While Listening to Songs Makes You Healthier, Really?

When you’re having a tough day, music can be a way to elevate your mood. Sometimes, not a few people cry while listening to songs. However, did you know that it is healthy, you know?

A study conducted by Scientific Reports revealed that crying and listening to music can actually increase feelings of happiness and mood. So, you can reduce feelings of sadness or tiredness by listening to music

Crying While Listening to Songs Can Eliminate Sadness.
What kind of songs do you listen to when you’re sad? Excited or mellow? Logically, when we are sad, we should listen to songs with a fast tempo that can make us more excited. However, in a study by Scientific Reports, listening to sad songs when you are sad and crying because of it can actually make you feel relieved and ultimately improve your mood.

In the study, the researchers asked participants to … Read the rest

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How to Treat Agoraphobia

If you or someone around you is experiencing symptoms of agoraphobia, consult a doctor immediately. The doctor will perform a thorough physical and mental condition examination to determine the appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

If the results of the examination are in accordance with agoraphobia, the doctor may provide treatment in the form of:

To restore the mental condition of people with agoraphobia, it is necessary to do psychotherapy with a psychiatrist or psychologist. Psychotherapy is done to help sufferers control themselves so they can deal with situations that usually cause fear in them.

One of the therapies used is cognitive behavioral therapy. This therapy aims to invite agoraphobia sufferers to be aware of what things can trigger or exacerbate fear and panic attacks. After that, sufferers are also trained to change their mindset towards the source of their fear.

Given Medication
Generally, doctors will give you antidepressant drugs or … Read the rest

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Recognizing Agoraphobia Symptoms and Proper Treatment

Agoraphobia is the fear of not having a way out or help when something dangerous happens. This fear can make a person feel trapped, helpless, and unsalvageable when in public spaces, crowded situations, or even public spaces.

People with agoraphobia tend to avoid traveling to public spaces or crowded places, such as shopping centers, cinemas, markets, or public transportation. They feel the need to be accompanied by the closest people when they are in public spaces so they can feel more comfortable.

Symptoms of Agoraphobia
Until now, the cause of agoraphobia is still not known with certainty. It is possible that this is genetic. However, a person with a history of repeated panic attacks is more prone to experience agoraphobia

Although rare, agoraphobia can also occur in people who do not have a history of panic attacks. Symptoms of agoraphobia are divided into 3, namely physical, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms.… Read the rest

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How to deal with stress during WFH

Given that no one knows when this pandemic will end, it means that adjustments must be made immediately. Do not let, chronic stress due to WFH actually has a bad impact on physical and mental health. What are the ways?

1. Create a routine
So important is routine because it can make your day more structured and less stress-prone. Determine what activities mark the start of working time. You can also start the day by exercising lightly or drinking coffee first.

Whatever it is, determine what routine is carried out from morning to night. Don’t let work actually make you immersed in it until you forget lunch time. Although work is done at home, there must still be a regular schedule so that the day runs effectively.

2. Dedicated workspace
No need for a workspace with a contemporary interior, a certain corner in the house with good air circulation and … Read the rest

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Benefits of self-talk for mental health

In addition to being very normal, self-talk is beneficial for mental health. The benefits include:

1. Helps you stay focused
When the situation is difficult, you may vent your frustration with expletive exclamations. But you can also remind yourself of the progress you’re experiencing now when you feel like giving up. In the end, it could be that you succeeded because of talking to yourself. Talking to yourself while working on something actually makes you more focused.

2. Helps motivate
When you are stagnating, positive self-talk will help increase your motivation. These words of encouragement are usually more weighty when you say them out loud than just thinking about them. This is because hearing something often helps to reinforce your mind.
A 2014 study also supports this fact. Research says that the type of self-motivation that works best is to talk to oneself as a second or third person.
So … Read the rest

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Like to Talk To Yourself, Are The Symptoms Of Mental Health Disorders Really?

Self-talk is often done by many people, especially when it comes to deciding something, you unconsciously bring out the idea inside the head. This is normal for many people to do, but it feels strange to talk to yourself in a public place. It can be considered less sane or abnormal.
But as it turned out, a study said that talking to yourself is a normal common behavior. Usually this is called self-talk or self-directed talk. Although people often associate self-talk with mental health problems, health experts consider this normal at any age even beneficial in some conditions.

Is self talk normal?
Researchers have been studying self-talk for a long time since 1880. Scientists are interested in what people say to themselves, why they talk to themselves, and the purpose of talking to themselves.
Researchers then define self-talk as a verbal expression of an internal position or belief, which means … Read the rest

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The effect of work and life are out of balance

When work and life are out of balance, the condition can have a negative effect on your health. In addition to triggering the appearance of health problems, the condition also has the potential to affect your relationships with other people.
Here are some of the negative effects that may appear when you fail to achieve work-life balance:

1. Fatigue
When you suffer from fatigue, you can potentially experience disturbances in thinking and working productively. These conditions will not only damage your reputation, but also trigger dangerous and detrimental decision-making.

2. The body is not fit enough
Stress from overwork can have a devastating impact on your health. Not only physical health, stress can also trigger the emergence of mental problems such as depression, anxiety, to thoughts to end life.

3. Losing time with loved ones
Being busy with work makes you lose time with loved ones like best friends, girlfriends, … Read the rest

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Stress Or Too Much Thought? Do These 3 Things!

Who does not have stress or a lot of thoughts? Surely you all have or often experience it. If you’re stressed, you’ll end up angry or crying. Well, from now on try to be diverted to something else. Here are things you can do when you’re stressed or on your mind:

1. Do activities you enjoy
You must have a hobby or activity that you enjoy. You can relieve your stress by doing activities or hobbies that you enjoy. Now you can do it.

2. Talk or share stories
If you still or don’t have a hobby, you can eliminate or forget for a moment your stressful thoughts by telling stories or talking to people you trust. So that the burden of thoughts that are privacy can be stored properly. Because humans can not accommodate excessive thoughts so that it can cause stress to depression.

3. Healing
Healing can mean … Read the rest

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